findFile(filename) | Returns a path if the filename is found on the /cd, /rd, /pc and or in the loaded game folder. |
getUS() | Returns the current microseconds since game as started. |
getMS() | Returns the current millisecond since game as started. |
getFPS() | Returns the current frame per seconds. |
mountRomdisk(fileName, mountpoint) | Mount a romdisk at specified mountpoint. The most common mountpoint is โ/rdโ |
unmountRomdisk(mountpoint) | Unmount the specified mountpoint and frees up memory. |
graphics.loadTexture(filename) | Loads a pow2 .png or .dtex image. Returns a texture. |
graphics.freeTexture(texture) | Frees the texture data. |
graphics.drawTexture(texture, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, angle, uv) | Draws a texture at x-y position. scaleX/ycaleY are floats. UV is a table with 4 x 0.0 - 1.0 uv coordinate. |
graphics.setDrawColor(r,g,b,a) | Set the color (0.0 - 1.0) of future texture, shape, text. |
graphics.setClearColor(r,g,b,a) | Set the color (0.0 - 1.0) of the background. |
graphics.loadFont(filename, col, row, fontSize) | Loads a pow2 .png or .dtex image. Returns a font. Read the font documentation |
graphics.print(text, x, y, center) | Prints text at x-y position. If center is true, the text is centered. |
graphics.setFontSize(fontSize) | |
graphics.drawRect(x, y, w, h, mode) | Draws a rectangle. If mode is โcornersโ, x and y becomes top-left coordinates. |
graphics.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, width) | |
graphics.playVideo(videoFile, x, y, w, h) | |
graphics.loadPalette(file) | Returns a palette from a .dtex.pal file. |
graphics.setPalette(texture, palette) | Replaces a texture palette with the provided palette |
graphics.setPaletteColor(palette, colorNum, r,g,b,a) | Set a single color in a specified palette. The โrโ argument can be a {r,g,b,a} table. ** |
audio.load(filename, type) | Loads a .wav (audio.SFX or audio.WAV) file. Returns a source. Type must be audio.SFX, audio.WAV or audio.CDDA |
---|---|, volume, loop) | Plays a source at 0-255 volume. |
audio.setVolume(source, volume) | Sets the volume of a playing source. | | Frees the memory of a loaded source. |
audio.isPlaying(source) | |
audio.pause(source) | |
audio.stop(source) | |
audio.setPan(source, pan) | Sets pan. 128 is center, 0 is full left, 255 is full right. Only works on .SFX type sound. |
input.getButton(button, controllerNumber) | Returns true/false is button has been pressed. |
input.getButtonDown(button, controllerNumber) | Returns true/false is button is being held. |
input.getJoystick(controllerNumber) | Returns the joystick position as a vector. |
input.getTriggers(controllerNumber) | Returns both triggers as a vector. |